
2024年5月2日—ItwouldbeunfairtosaythatYouTube'scrusadeagainstthird-partyappshasquitethegravityofwar.However,thefactofthematteristhat, ...,2024年3月31日—3rdpartyYouTubeApp.Iuserevancedandnewpipewhichbothworkwell.IactuallypreferNewpipebecauseitfeelsmoreoptimized,it'sless ...,TherearemanyalternativestoYouTubeforAndroidifyouarelookingforareplacement.ThebestAndroidalternativeisPeerTube,whichisbothfr...

YouTube's war against third party apps is just as ridiculous ...

2024年5月2日 — It would be unfair to say that YouTube's crusade against third-party apps has quite the gravity of war. However, the fact of the matter is that, ...

3rd party YouTube App

2024年3月31日 — 3rd party YouTube App. I use revanced and newpipe which both work well. I actually prefer Newpipe because it feels more optimized , it's less ...

YouTube Alternatives for Android

There are many alternatives to YouTube for Android if you are looking for a replacement. The best Android alternative is PeerTube, which is both free and ...

The 5 Best YouTube App Alternatives for iPhone & Android

2022年1月25日 — 5 Best YouTube App Alternatives for Android Phone · 1. NewPipe · 2. OGYouTube · 3. YouTube GO · 4. FlyTube APK · 5. iTube.

How to remove 3rd party apps access on YouTube?

Step-by-Step Tutorial. 1. Open the Google app and sign in to the account you want to modify. 2. Tap on your profile image on the top right corner to open the ...


The lightweight YouTube experience for Android ... Do you like watching videos on YouTube but want an intuitive, feature-rich and privacy friendly app for that?


2024年4月17日 — ... YouTube 提供的API ,若是違反條款的應用程式,將會採取相關保護措施。 youtube announces crackdown on third party youtube apps 1. 這項政策主要是 ...

Enhance Your Android Experience with the Best Third ...

2023年12月22日 — Exploring the Best Third-Party YouTube Apps. Remember the app that let you watch YouTube without those annoying ads? Well, it's back! · 2. YMusic.

Enforcement on Third Party Apps

2024年4月15日 — We're strengthening our enforcement on third-party apps that violate YouTube's Terms of Service, specifically ad-blocking apps. Viewers who ...

Best 3rd party YouTube app 2023?

2023年5月30日 — Best 3rd party YouTube app 2023? I know this question has been asked to death, BUT what is the preferred 3rd party app for YouTube? NewPipe has ...